Sussex Inlet Public School

Effort is the line of success

Telephone02 4441 2053

Frequently Asked Questions

Parents of school aged students, who intend for their child to take an extended period of leave from school during term (ie. five 5 school days or more), are required to make an application to the Principal. Reasons for granting extended leave include:

• exceptional domestic circumstances;

• health or disability of a child necessitating the continuation of an individual program supported by medical specialists, participation in a full time apprenticeship or traineeship;

• training for elite sport, elite sport or tour event;

• other exceptional circumstances, such as health of the student where sick leave or alternative enrolment is not appropriate.

Applications are available from the Administration Office or via link below. This application should be completed by the student's parent/carer and returned to the Principal seven days prior to the student taking extended leave.

Application for Extended Leave - travel

Students are not permitted to leave the school without the permission. Students who need to leave school early for any reason must provide an explanatory note or email written and/or signed by their parent/carer. Parents may also advise their child's teacher through Sentral Parent Portal.

Parents/Carers come to office to collect their child/ren, students will either be called to the office or parent/carer will collect from class with an Early Leaver Slip provided by the office.

Wherever possible, parents/carers and students should arrange appointments (doctors, orthodontists etc.) and other activities outside of school hours.

Students who arrive after 9:00am are required to go to the Administration Office to be issued with a Late Note. 

An explanation is required by the parent/carer, either in person or via a written note. Lateness to school, without a note or explanation, will be recorded as an unexplained partial absence. If the absence is "Unexplained" and prior to 10:00am you will receive a text message which you can respond to with the appropriate explanation. 

Students who are injured or ill and require medical attention must report to the admin office with a note from their teacher.

If a student is not well enough to remain in class, the admin office will contact parents/carers (or nominated contact person) to request the student be collected. In case of accident, parents/carers will be informed so that they can make a decision on treatment/procedure.

In the event of an emergency an ambulance will be called. Any cost involved in transporting students by ambulance will be covered by the school’s ambulance insurance.

It is vital that contact between the school and parent/carers is continuously available and, therefore, parents/carers should designate a responsible adult as a contact when they are unavailable. Please inform the administration office of any change of address and/or contact numbers.

You can either call the Admin office on 02 4441 2053 or use  Sentral App and/or Sentral Parent Portal.

Regular attendance at school is essential to gain maximum benefit from schooling. Missing school means your child misses out on vital information and maintaining learning routines. This can result in a loss of confidence and missing out on forming vital friendships. Attendance is recorded each day. As a parent or carer you are responsible for ensuring your child attends school every day, including sports days unless your child:

• has an unavoidable medical or dental appointment (preferably these should be made after school or during holidays)

• is required to attend a recognised religious holiday

• is required to attend an exceptional or urgent family circumstance (such as attending a funeral)

• is sick, or has an infectious illness.

It is important that the school is advised if your child/children will be absent. You can do this several ways:

1. Online, via the Sentral for Parents app, or via the Sentral Parent Portal 

2. Call the school.

You may call the school office on (02) 4441 2053 between 8:40am and 3:30pm.

3. Have you child bring their note to the school teacher/roll call teacher.

Have your child submit a note from home on the first day they return to school. Please include:

• Student’s full name

• Roll class

• Date(s) of absence

• Reason(s) for absence

• Signature of parent/caregiver

If your child's details have changed, please email; 

This could be for a change of:

  • address
  • email address
  • parent or carer details
  • emergency contacts
  • medical details